
KHARKOVENKO R. V. The Features of the Monument Protection Legislation of the Republic of Moldova

     The article examines and analyzes the features of the Monument Protection Legislation of the Republic of Moldova. The Law of the Republic of Moldova «On the Protection of Monuments» of 22.06.1993 № 1530-XII, which is the basis for regulating the sphere of protection of the cultural heritage of Moldova, has been studied in detail.
   In addition, the process of state accounting of cultural heritage monuments and methodological approaches to the study of cultural heritage objects are investigated. There is determined an understanding of the accounting of cultural heritage monuments as a prerequisite for their preservation and effective use.
    It should be noted that the monument’s protection sphere of the Republic of Moldova’s, along with the vast majority of post-Soviet states, has developed even after the collapse of the USSR beyond its inertia. The countries of the former USSR, while elaborating their own legislation in the field of protection of cultural heritage, are overwhelmingly oriented and adopting the experience of the Russian legislation as a «flagship» in the post-Soviet space. This can be explained by common history, traditions, foundations of public administration, political views, etc. Of course, there are those who are copying the experience of European countries, without taking into account their own mental and cultural characteristics. However, as practice shows, nothing good can be expected from this, because one cannot take completely another ready experience and naively think that it will absolutely suite to a separate country. We are convinced that it is necessary to borrow international practices, but each nation must go its own evolutionary way in different spheres of life and work out its own agenda. All states are different, special and interesting what means that amazing diversity of our world.
       Keywords: protection of cultural heritage, object of cultural heritage, monument.