
PYDOPRIHORA I. I. Мethodology of research information and propaganda support in the Naval Forces of Ukraine (1992 – 2014)

   The article attempts to identify the most important approaches and methods for the study of information and propaganda support in the Naval Forces of Ukraine. Among the fundamental methods of research, the dialectic approach is chosen most optimally. It also outlines the most appropriate general scientific approaches and methods: historical, logical, structural-functional, systemic and terminological.
   It has been established that information and propaganda support is based on the provisions of a number of scientific theories (armed struggle, war, military security, providing troops (forces), information, communication, propaganda, personality, spiritual potential, information and psychological security of man, systems, organization, management). Therefore, the emphasis is placed on the need to apply, along with general sciences, the approaches of other sciences, in particular civilization, conflict science, information, anthropocentric, axiological and activity approaches, general and military psychology, and sociology.
   It is also indicated the need for the active use of such methods as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, description, comparison and generalization, which should be used both independently and in combination with the actual historical ones.
   It is believed that the choice of these approaches and research methods will contribute to solving the scientific task of studying the information and propaganda support of the Naval Forces of Ukraine in 1992 - 2014, will enable to generalize and systematize the experience of informational work in the troops in the conditions of a permanent information war against Ukraine; to investigate the tasks that were put forward in the field of informational and propaganda support in the context of Russia's covert information war against Ukraine, the degree of their achievement, shortcomings and miscalculations; to investigate forms and methods of information and propaganda support on ships and in military units of the fleet, their effectiveness in the specified conditions; to establish the peculiarities of the organization of information-propaganda support and to work out practical recommendations for its improvement in conditions of restoration of naval capabilities of the state.
   Key words: Naval Forces of Ukraine, information and propaganda support, methods of research, methodology, approaches, principles.