
SKRYPNYCHENKO Yu.F. The activity of the national operator of government on the set of labor resources to the third reich at Kharkivshchynain 1941-1943.

     The research is devoted to the policy introduced by the German military command in the recruitment, dispatch, transportation of the population from the Kharkiv region in 1941-1943, on various works to the Third Reich. On the basis of the elaborated scientific works of domestic scholars, we considered: the organization, the course of the recruitment and propaganda campaign that the Nazi authorities introduced in relation to the recruitment of people for work in Hitler's Germany; forms, methods that the invaders used to send. Important place is given to the conditions of transportation, labor, everyday life in German captivity. The policy applied by the Hitlerite government in the Kharkiv region towards the local population for the purpose of sending work to the Third Reich was an integral part of the policy of the occupation regime of Nazi Germany in Ukrainian territories. In the course of the work, the study of the principles of the German occupation policy was improved; reviewed the main aspects of the policy of the local occupation authorities regarding the civilian population of Kharkiv; further development received an analysis of opinions, views of domestic and foreign scientists who have developed this topic. On the basis of the study it was possible to conclude: the policy of the Nazi occupation authorities regarding the recruitment of the population of the Kharkiv region in 1941-1943 to Hitler’s Germany for various physically difficult work was ineffective. The materials of this study can be used by teachers of higher and secondary schools during preparation for lectures, seminars, credit works on studying the courses «History of Ukraine», «Historical local lore», «Museology» as an additional hand-written material when writing dissertation, master’s, diploma papers, abstract works, during conferences, scientific symposiums.
     Key words: Second World War, labor resources, ostarbeyters, recruiting campaign, round-up, the Third Reich, «German Paradise».