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BILOTSERKIVSKA A. S. History of agricultural science in the documents of Central State archives of higher authorities and government of Ukraine (1917 – 1990)

Full text (Ukrainian, PDF)

    Nowadays, modernization and further development of agriculture in Ukraine is one of the priorities of the state development. Therefore, the food security of its people as one of the most important vectors of development comes to the fore. In this context, the experience of the past history of agronomic opinion and its renowned scholars, true Ukrainian patriots becomes relevant.

    The article presents a comprehensive analysis and systematization of documents of the Central State Archive of the higher authorities and government of Ukraine concerning the history of agricultural science during the 1917–1990. It is shown the actuality, connection of the study with scientific themes of the National Agricultural Scientific Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine ("The history of the formation and activities of research and educational institutions of the agricultural profile in Ukraine" and "Scientific-organizational and conceptual basis of the formation and development of agricultural research in Ukraine: theoretical, methodological, historical naukovedcheskie, and biographical aspects of the study of sources"), analyzed existing historiographical sources.

    The author made a selection on the list of archival funds that directly or to some extent are carriers of the agrarian history. In order to systematize the information on the development of agricultural science alone are highlighted the main stages in its organizational coordination. The detailed description of archives that are directly related to the development of agriculture, agricultural science, industry opinion is provided.

    During the analysis of archival sources it was revealed that the most informative for the researcher of history of agricultural science is the fund 27 "Department of Agriculture URSR" (1919–1985), which contains a large array of materials related to the study topic. The information contained in regulations, orders, protocols, reference books, reports, case plans, staff list. Through the analysis of primary sources out basic patterns and characteristics of agricultural science in the study period are found, a network of research institutions and its subordination, diverse activities of branch institutes, stations and experimental bases, strong points are revealed, forgotten names of scientists are recovering, that their work did contribute to the development and organization of agricultural research business.

    This scientific work includes cited analysis of documents from the funds of other government departments, branch academies, research institutes, coordination of agricultural science societies, office of publishing houses specialized newspapers and magazines.

     The author concludes that the available source base in the Central State Archive of higher authorities and government of Ukraine is the most informative to perform research on the study of the history of formation and development of agricultural research business in Ukraine during 1917–1990's. Perspectives of further work in this direction is the detailed analysis and specification of the content of some archival materials archival collections that relate directly to agricultural science.

Keywords: history of agricultural science, Central State Archive of higher authorities and government of Ukraine, agriculture, industrial academy, research institutes.