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VERHUNOV V. A., HLAZUNOV H. O. Scientific-organizational activity of O. Korneyev

Full text (Ukrainian, PDF)

     The National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agricultural Science of Ukraine is a unique institution with is foundation dating back to the crucial years of 1920-ies – 1930-ies. The Soviet government, while implementing the collectivization and industrialization policy, wanted to create a new "face" of the country.

    As part of the new course was the creation in 1931 as part of the Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences Central Industrial agricultural library. Formation and development of the Institute during 1935 - 1964 years is close connected with life of Alexandr Fedorovich Korneyev. He was born in 1886 in the working class family. During 1917 ‑ 1932 years in the Soviet Union he makes a quick career from food Bohoslav Commissioner to the prosecutor USSR People's Commissar of Justice, member of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of National Economy.

    O.F. Korneyev was a man of his time that`s why he  receiveded a higher education in  Institute of Marxism during the 1924-1929 years. For almost thirty years  his life was associated with Central Agricultural Library. Even for his leadership since the second half of 1930 the library began to produce summary and bibliographic collection "Review of Foreign Literature of Agriculture economy "(in 1952 were published 52 issues). From the Great World War II O.F. Korneyev moved to Soviet Kyrgyzstan.

    While the library remained in the occupied Kharkiv and not only avoided being destroyed, but was successfully functioning during the years of occupation. With restoration of the Soviet authority, the agricultural library became headed by the "old" administrator. The institution quickly restored its previous scientific potential, and by the year of 1944 its staff comprised 23 people, including 7 scholars and 9 workers specializing in library management and production. In the middle of 1955-ies, the Central Scientific Agricultural Public Library (CSAPL) became an important book depository for specialized literature in the agricultural area, comprised of 250 thousand copies.

   During 1956 – 1962, CSAPL was part of the trade structure of the Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Science. At that time, O.F. Korneyev raised a question of building new premises for the stock of the agricultural library.For the sake of justice it is worth mentioning that this idea was accomplished by his successors. In 1964 78-year-old O. F. Korneyev was discharged from office.

Key words: Ukraine, Agriculture, Central Scientific Agricultural Library, TSNSHB, DNSHB National Scientific Agricultural Library, the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. Ukraine Agriculture, Central Scientific Agricultural Library, TSNSHB, DNSHB National Scientific Agricultural Library, the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine.