The 60-th anniversary of F. M. Medvid

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     The rapid development of the scientific trends in modern independent Ukraine at the end of the 20th century - the beginning of the 21st century, the variability of the development of the national historical, philosophical and legal sciences, made it impossible for the academic creative intellectuals to exist in its area. Under the influence of the globalization the role of a personality as a carrier of the national identity is actualized. In the social environment dominated by people leading a contemplative way of life, progressive development of the nation is provided by a creative and active personality.

     The historian, lawyer, political scientist, philosopher, ethnologist, Doctor in political science, Professor of the Department of History and Theory of State and Law of the MAUP, professor of the MCU, candidate of Philosophy, Academician of the International Academy of Life Safety (St. Volodymyr Kyiv Institute of Law) Fedir Mykhaylovych Medvid’ belongs to such category of personalities, who constantly work on their own development, constantly improve and actively participate in the national process of state-owned property.

Fedir Mykhaylovych was born on January 3, 1957, in Zboriv in the peasant family. In 1964 – 1974 he studied in Futor and Zboriv schools. In 1974 Fedir Mykhaylovych entered the Historical department of Ivan Franko Lviv State University. In 1979 he graduated with honors from the Historical department and started working as a teacher of history and social sciences at vocational school № 20 of Lviv. From 1980 to 1982 he passed military service in the Zhytomyr region, where he occupied the posts of commander platoon, deputy commander of the company, secretary of the Komsomol committee of a separate military unit. After the army, F. Medvid’ for some time worked as a teacher of history at vocational school № 27 in Lviv, and since December 1982, after passing the candidate's minimum, he became a post-graduate student of professor O.P. Veremiyev at Lviv University. While studying at a graduate school in November 1985. Fedir Mykhaylovych prematurely completed the research, defended the dissertation, acquired the scientific degree of the candidate of philosophical sciences and began to work at the department of scientific communism of Ivan Franko Lviv State University. In 1986, F. Medvid’ after the invitation Professor of Lviv Polytechnics O. Shakhov, started to work at Lviv Polytechnics, which was marked by more democratic professors and public activity of students.

     The political sphere of the Ukrainian society, theoretical and applied aspects of the young political science in Ukraine became the main objects of study for the young scientist. In 1994, 1997 and 1999, F. Medvid’ became a co-author of the manual in the political science: "Fundamentals of the Political Science", "Political Science: A Collection of Educational Programs", "Political Science", "Summary of Lectures on Fundamentals of the Political Science". In 1995, F. Medvid’ headed the Department of the Social Sciences of Lviv Institute of Physical Culture, which took up the development of a scientific comprehensive theme "Socio-philosophical foundations of the development of physical culture and sport in Ukraine," and at the same time he graduated in 1996 from the Faculty of Management and Entrepreneurship. During 1998-2001 the scientist learned laws and graduated from the Lviv Institute of Internal Affairs under the specialty "Jurisprudence" in the specialty "Law", having obtained the qualification of a lawyer. In this institution, he headed the editorial staff of the Institute newspaper "Lawyer", was the editor-in-chief of the Bulletin of the Institute, which became a specialist in legal disciplines. The quarter-century Lviv scientific period F. Medvid’was  distinguished by almost 300 scientific works, with participating in a dozen scientific and practical conferences.

    Since September 2003 he became an assistant professor of the department of civil law disciplines of the Faculty of Law of the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, fulfilling the duties of the deputy head of the department in scientific work.

    F.M. Medvid’was appreciated as a prominent figure for the previous scientific work and was elected in 2005 as a full member, an academician of the International Academy of Life Safety. In 2005-2006 he published a number of scientific works approved by Ministry of education: "Oratory Art of Lawyers" (co-author A. Medvid’), "Professional Communication of Medical Workers in the State Language" (co-author A. Medvid’), "Political Dictionary" (co-author), "The Notary Process of Ukraine" (co-authors V. Usenko, Y. Medvid’).

     In December 2006 F. Medvid’ was appointed the Deputy Head of the Department of Civil and Economic and Legal Sciences for scientific and professional work and was elected a member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Law of the National Academy of State Tax Administration of Ukraine. After several years F. Medvid’ became the Doctor in political sciences, working as a professor of the Department of History and Theory of State and Law of the MAUP Prince Volodymyr Institute of Law.

    During 2007 - 2017 F.M. Medvid’ directed his scientific work on the renewal of the historical memory of the Ukrainian people, the awakening of its self-consciousness, forming the sense of freedom, self-esteem. His scientific work increased almost twofold. Among the recent works by Prof. F. Medvid’, the following ones should be noted: "National Security of the Ukrainian State: Establishments and Ways of Provision" (2014), "The Legal Culture of Ukrainian Society in the Context of Building a State of Law" (co-authors N. Morhun, O. Kornya, I. Romashyna) (2016), "Financial safety of Ukraine in new geopolitical realities" (co-authors M. Chorna, A. Khomenko) (2016), "Mykhaylo Hrushevsky as chairman of NTSh: organizer of Ukrainian national science", "Mykhaylo Hrushevsky as the creator of the new political concept Ukraine "(2016) and others.

    The 60th anniversary of Fedir Mykhaylovych Medvid’ is marked by the high development of his creative forces, with many creative plans and projects. Friends and colleagues wish the jubilant happiness, good health, creative inspiration in the rich scientific experience!