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BERNAR N. G., RUDYSHIN S. D. P. Ya. Golodryga personality in the context of the viticulture history.

Full text (Ukrainian, PDF)

      The article is devoted to Doctor of Biology, professor Pavel Yakovlevich Golodryga, the well-known scientist of our country in the field of genetics, selection and physiology of vine, who made large contribution to the development of viticulture and wine-making. His fundamental elaborations are the part of treasury of biological science and theoretical base for further development of breeding science in general. It is marked that physiological and biochemical researches of genotypical specific features of vines have been done by him for the first time. He contributed a lot in the development of hypothetic model of ideal variety, improved and worked out the new methods of selection process, allowed to shorten the period of obtaining of new variety for many times.

      P. Golodryga worked out the unique diagnosis express-methods of genotypical specific features of plants, used the vine as the model culture. Revealing the correlation dependences between biochemical, physiological and biological-economic characteristics and properties of vine are the base of these methods. He also worked out the method of making of complex artificial infection level for shorten the selection process on immunity. It is marked that he was the first who used the culture in vitro as a method of vine selection and established the genetically depended features of vine plants.

      P. Golodryga is the author of 43 vine varieties, combined resistant to biotical and abiotical factors of environment with valuable economic qualities, which do not require the chemical controlling pests and diseases. His varieties are well-known among the specialists, vine-growers and can be called varieties of XXI century without overstatement. Little-known factors from the biography of the scientist, whose life and scientific activity passed in the years of great events in society and science, and the youth fell of the war years have been described. Professor P. Golodryga gave 40 years of his life to National Institute of viticulture and wine-making «Magarach» and showed himself not only as keen researcher and creative experimenter, but also as talented leader and efficient organizer of scientific collective. The role of P. Golodryga in creation on his own scientific school, trained the galaxy of young scientists, teachers, leaders and specialists in the field of viticulture has been elucidated. Twenty-seven candidate and one doctor dissertations have been defended under his supervision.

Key words: Pavlo Golodryga, science, history; physiology, biochemistry, genetics and selection of vine; National Institute of viticulture and wine-making «Magarach»