CHUMACHENKO O. A. Formation of Mykyta Shapoval’s socialist views (early period).

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     The article studies the Mykyta Yukhymovych Shapoval’s early period of life (childhood and youth) who was a leading figure of the Ukrainian Central Rada, member of the UNR Directory governments, the leader of Ukrainian Socialist Revolutionaries in exile in Czechoslovakia, the head of the Ukrainian Sociological Institute in Prague. The main attention is paid to the formation and establishment of socialist convictions of young Ukrainian revolutionary. The article aims to explore the early life and work of Mykyta Shapoval, follow its path of becoming a revolutionary and public figures, to find out the factors that influenced the formation of his socialist beliefs.

       Shapoval pre-revolutionary life can be divided into two periods. The early period - from birth until 1907, when ended his military service, he joined a volunteer to Kharkov University. Second period - this is 1907 - 1917 years. This decade of Shapoval’s active literary and publishing. Chronologically, this article covers the early period - childhood and adolescence of Mykyta Shapoval, when hatched, were formed his moral and ethical position and political convictions. The young revolutionary poured his tireless energy in actions that eloquently testified about his attitude to the peasantry. Peasant Movement 1902 - 1903 years, discussion with A. Mytsyuk social-revolutionary program and determine its advantages over the Social Democrats finally captured Mykyta Shapoval the revolutionary current. In the early period of his life Shapoval took an important step as the beginning of a public and political figure. Being close to the peasantry on social origin and forestry profession, he joined the party of Ukrainian Socialist Revolutionary program which is more consistent with his views, which were formed under the influence of A. Makarenko, creativity Shevchenko sociological works of Herbert Spencer and revolutionary literature. Revolutionary activity was not interrupted even military service.

        The dissolution of the State Duma gave rise to revolutionary action in the army. This wave has also involved the regiment in which he served, and he began to prepare for the performance, which failed because of the arrest. Depressed, but not broken, Shapoval during interrogations behaved as a supporter of the law, protesting against the dissolution of the State Duma, considered against the law and will of the people. Not listening to the gendarmerie orders, wrote in the minutes that he is Ukrainian and nobody else. Showing high activity during the revolution of 1905-1907, he passed a severe school of revolutionary training which was realized in the Ukrainian national revolution of 1917-1921.

Keywords: Revolutionary Ukrainian Party, Ukrainian Socialist-Revolutionary Party, socialism, Ukrainian movement, forestry.