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LATYSH Yu. V. The return of Ukrainian Trotsky.

Full text (Ukrainian, PDF)

    The article reviewed the book «Ukrainian Trotsky. Texts of Leon Trotsky Ukraine», which attempt to define the place of Ukraine in theoretical heritage L. Bronstein.

    Recently the team of scientists and leftist activists published a collection of "Ukrainian Trotsky. The texts of Leon Trotsky Ukraine "(Odessa: FSV, 2013. - 167 p.), Which caused considerable scientific and political resonance. The book contains journalistic work (articles, presentations, speeches, appeals) concerning two key stages in the history of the twentieth century .: revolution and the civil war of 1917-1921. And the Second World War. It aims to break down the myths of the Stalinist era, which moved without critical analysis in post-Soviet historiography and modern myths that depict Trotsky enemy of Ukraine and the entire Ukrainian.

    Trotsky was very well-acquainted with the Ukrainian question. Born in the southern Ukraine village of Yanivka, the son of Jewish farmers who spoke ‘a broken mixture of Ukrainian and Russian, but mostly Ukrainian’, he grew up at a time when Ukraine was under the rule of the Russian Czarist empire. He attended high school at a German school in the Black Sea port of Odessa (Odesa), during which time the German and other teachers were gradually being replaced with Russians under the Czarist policy of Russification.

     After expulsion from the USSR, Trotsky responded to the Ukrainian event article "Suicide of Skrypnyk." The fact of persecution and incitement to suicide of the old Bolshevik who has always remained loyal Stalinists, according to the author meant that the center was trying to shift responsibility for the consequences of Stalin's agricultural policy (Holodomor) in local artists. A Skrypnyk was a victim of the system of bureaucratic dictatorship, which he helped to plant.

     Before the Second World War acutely Ukrainian question. In Berlin hatched plans for a "Greater Ukraine" under German protectorate. Considerable force Ukrainian emigration, especially OUN hoped, in alliance with the Germans 'release' Soviet Ukraine. However, Hitler regarded Ukraine as a bargaining chip. He easily "granted" Hungarian dictator Horthy M. Transcarpathia and the territory of the USSR obitsyalysya Poland.

     As to the fore in the fate of Europe happened exactly Ukrainian question, Trotsky offers to find a slogan that would correspond to the new situation. And, in his opinion, this slogan can only be "only a free and independent workers' and peasants Ukraine!"

     The program of Ukraine's independence in the era of imperialism directly and inextricably linked to the program of proletarian revolution. The true liberation of the Ukrainian people is impossible without a revolution in the West, which would lead to the formation of the Soviet United States of Europe. Trotsky strongly denied that the dismissal and possible unification of Ukraine as referendums and decisions by the League of Nations and the bayonets of Nazi Germany. The primary issue is to ensure the unity and independence of the Workers' and Peasants Ukraine in the fight against Western imperialism (both Nazi and democratic), on the one hand, and Moscow Bonapartism - on the other.

Key words: Ukraine, socialism, revolution, Ukrainian question, the national communism.